Sunday, December 20, 2009

Uncanny Sounds visited Veron's wedding.

It's always a joy gigging w good friends. But this one, haha... i can't help bubbling w the love their literally showered on us. Good people, these guys, first time ever, an encore, as Nate remarked, at a wedding.

For me, it's just cool that they're havin' an awesome time. Music was never meant to glorify oneself. To share the love that they have, that i could have some to give in return through this gift of music, is a real honour.

Thank you Redkite for the party!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Uncanny Sounds Photo Shoot.

Yay, we are heading out in a few hours' time to be all visually uncanny!

Would be my first time out driving pretty much solo, with the guidance of Clarence!
